Prestan CPR manikins are durable and have features that instructors appreciate. Most of the manikins are manufactured right here in Ohio, USA. We love to post articles about Prestan because of how much we like their manikins.
It’s worth noting that Prestan’s Professional Series manikins with CPR feedback monitors are compliant with AHA and ARC requirements.
Are you a seasoned CPR trainer or just starting out? This weekend promises to be the absolute best time to shop for CPR training equipment and CPR/First Aid training supplies here at MCR Medical.
The CPR feedback device provide, real-time, audiovisual and corrective evaluation.
CPR Feedback Device Manikin
DALLAS, August 15, 2017 — The American Heart Association – the world’s leading voluntary health organization devoted to fighting cardiovascular disease – will now require the use of an instrumented directive feedback device (CPR Feedback Device) in all courses that teach adult CPR skills, effective January 31, 2019. The devices provide, real-time, audiovisual and corrective evaluation and instruction on chest compression rate, depth, chest recoil and proper hand placement during CPR training.
Everyday at work I come across stories about how CPR training helped save a life. I often wonder if having a high quality CPR manikin like Prestan Manikins helps with some of these positive outcomes. Pondering this question is how I came up with the idea for this blog post.
Would you like to win a 4 pack of Prestan Ultralite Manikins?
Welcome to the first ever “Me and My Manikin” photo contest! The objective of this contest is for the contestants to spend a day with their CPR Manikin and photograph it. So get your phones or cameras ready and take a photo of you and your CPR manikin dressed up. The winner will receive the unparalleled Prestan Ultralite manikins.
Prestan develops and markets medical training products serving the needs of the Emergency Response and Healthcare Markets worldwide. We are a proud distrubutor of their products which inlcudes CPR manikins with or without feedback devices, AED trainers, lung bags and face shields. We also provide support for all of their products including handling all warranty issues inhouse.
Each week we field calls from people who are new CPR instructors or want to become one.
Guy Knickerbocker and Jim Jude worked to make CPR’s lifesaving basics available to people around the world.
In 1960 when cardiopulmonary resuscitation was first developed, the American Heart Association started a program to acquaint physicians with close-chest cardiac resuscitation and became the forerunner of CPR training for the general public.
Today there are thousands of CPR instructors across the United States and each year more and more people are being trained as instructors.
Each week we field calls from people who are new CPR instructors or want to become one.With our customer needs in mind we have created a New Instructor Checklist (included in this blog post) to help alleviate some of the work of going into business for yourself. MCR Medical has created CPR Training kits that include manikins, AED trainers and other items for new instructors.
If you are new instructor or interested in becoming one, we can help. Not only do we have quality CPR, AED and First Aid training equipment at low prices, our owners are seasoned CPR, First Aid and CERT instructors / instructor trainers with decades of first aid and practical field experience as well. Continue reading Are You Ready to teach CPR Training?
How do I clean and disinfect my CPR training manikins during and especially after class?
A question I receive quite often is: How do I clean and disinfect my CPR manikin during and especially after class?
Protecting our students from disease transmission is always important. Now more than ever with the rise in antibiotic resistant strains of bad bugs. The importance of using PPE (vinyl or nitrile gloves and CPR masks) during practice, as well an emphasis on effective hand washing must be a part of everyone’s class, all the time. These simple steps are the first line of defense against various types of diseases, even life threatening respiratory illness and intestinal distress. Continue reading Rub-a-dub-dub, but don’t put that CPR manikin in the tub!
The 2015 American Heart Association CPR guidelines, which are based off the latest resuscitation research, to provide science-based recommendations for treating cardio vascular emergencies- particularly cardiac arrest in adult, children, infants and newborns. These guidelines are behind the newest Prestan blue rate monitor.
The updated guidelines include:
~ Untrained bystanders should press hard and fast in the center of the chest at the rate of 100-120 compressions per minute. Trained bystanders should use the 30:2 compressions to breaths ratio with a goal of 120 compressions per minute. Continue reading Something New and something Blue
Why adding child CPR manikins to your inventory is so important.
Prestan Child Manikin with feedback device
We all know that children and adults bodies are different in many ways, yet so many CPR instructors teach CPR for children on adult manikins. I’m guessing that it is a way to save some money but is it really enough of a savings to NOT practice CPR on a child size body? Since we have remarkable, life like, child manikins available, we support learning CPR on an infant, a child and an adult manikin.
In 2014 the leading cause of death in children 1-8 years old was unintentional injury. Drowning coming in as #2 in that section. I come across stories quite often where a child was saved from drowning with CPR. And with accidents as the leading cause of death in children, we need every tool available so that we give them the best chance for a good outcome. You know how they say “practice makes perfect’? This truly is the case with CPR. Continue reading Child Manikins are an Important Piece of Teaching CPR
Customer satisfaction is our goal with every purchase.
MCR Medical
The Prestan Warranty and Our Promise
We all like to buy products that work and work well and we all have had terrible experiences of the opposite. MCR Medical and Prestan work together to avoid these bad experiences.
Here at MCR Medical our focus is making sure you are happy with our products. We also want you to be happy with how well they work! We are pleased to be a distributor of Prestan products along with WNL and Ambu. Continue reading The Prestan Warranty and Our Promise