We field many calls regarding the reuse of one way valves and we know that some instructor trainers demonstrate the re-use of these valves. This is defeating the purpose of the valves and goes against CDC guidelines. CDC guidelines DO NOT allow for one way CPR valves to be decontaminated. Period. This is true of all pocket resuscitator mask style valves from any manufacturer. The HEPA style filter inside the valve cannot be cleaned and disinfected without destroying the efficacy of the filter.
Anytime one way valves are reused, students are subject to cross-contamination.
For example: Student A uses the one-way valve to practice breaths in CPR training. The instructor then takes out the filter and “sanitizes” it and hands it to student B. Student B then uses it to practice breaths with CPR training. The fluids that are in the CPR manikin’s lung bag from student A then gets inhaled into student B. That is cross contamination.
If cost is a concern when it comes to buying valves, then consider using CPR training shields. We offer 3 brands of shields here at MCR Medical at a cost of approximately .25 each.
We are available 9 AM to 5 PM EST Monday through Thursday and 9 AM to 4 PM EST Fridays to answer
any questions you may have concerning our valves and shields. Please contact us
with any problems, concerns or questions you may have.
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