Need help with your manikin’s clicker? Let’s troubleshoot!
Recently, we’ve had a few calls from customers having Prestan Manikin compression clicker problems in the Prestan Professional Series manikins. In this blog, we’ll break down some of the possible causes and ways to fix the issue!
What’s a clicker?
First off, let’s explain the “clicker” and how it works. The clicker is part of the compression rate assembly located in the chest cavity of your Prestan Professional Series CPR manikin. When the user presses firmly enough to deliver the proper depth of compression for effective CPR, this mechanism will compress and recoil with a loud “click!”

Shall we solve the clicker issue?
If you’re not getting a click, there could be two reasons:
- The user is not making their CPR compressions deep enough to get the click, OR
- The user isn’t familiar with Prestan manikins and doesn’t realize the sound they hear is the “click” they’re looking for.
If you think you’re having Prestan manikin compression clicker problems like these, rest assured there’s an easy way to set your mind at ease. For reason 1, try for deeper compressions until you hear the click. And for reason 2, familiarize yourself with the manikin by practicing until you know what you’re hearing. Check out this video overview of the Prestan Professional Series Manikin (at about 1:10) to hear the clicker in action.
Check your LEDs
Note that the clicker device and the LED monitor device are connected, and the LED feedback device will NOT light up if the clicker isn’t working. So check your lights – a glance at the red, yellow and green dots will show you if the compression clicker is truly not working or if you just need to press harder to get that “click.”
What’s that rattle?
Another common question we get is what’s rattling inside the manikin when customers shake it. First off – why are you shaking your manikin?! But seriously, this sound is perfectly normal. What you hear is the full compression assembly moving around inside the chest cavity. There’s a little extra room in there to allow the device to compress and recoil (“click”) properly. Completely normal and nothing to worry about.

Still not sure everything’s okay?
If you’re still concerned about your Prestan manikin’s compression clicker, try the following:
- Confirm the feedback LED lights are working (on the upper left shoulder of the adult and child manikin, or in the diaper of the infant manikin).
- Try doing your compressions with the manikin on the ground rather than on a table. Use your upper body weight to help give a deep compression.
- Contact us directly if you’re still having issues. Remember, all Prestan manikins are covered with a 3-year manufacturer’s warranty, which we fulfill right in our warehouse. Email us at for warranty questions and help.
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At MCR Medical, we’re CPR instructors ourselves, so it’s important for us to offer the best quality CPR training products at the best prices in the market. But we’re also committed to supporting our customers and offering helpful tips and information. For more about CPR related products, news, tips and ideas, visit our past blog posts, and feel free to comment and let us know what you find helpful or ask any questions!
the frontal lob light will not come on. What am i doing wrong?
Good morning Melvin! Thank you so much for reaching out to us. I have followed up with you via email to assist you with troubleshooting your manikin’s rate monitor lights.
We had the strangest thing happen this week. We have four manikins. For every one of them we could not get chest click to work when on the ground, but they all worked normally on a table. We were giving proper compressions in both locations. Any ideas?
Hi Ken! Thank you for reaching out! In the past we have noticed sometimes the type of floor can alter the chest compression clicks, even on carpet or rubber flooring. What kind of flooring were you practicing on? Please feel free to contact us directly with additional questions or concerns. Take care, and have a wonderful day!
MCR Medical Supply
I teach several classes every weekend so the manikins definitely get alot of use. My 2 adult manikins both had issues with the lights working intermitantly. MCR was great to send me new clickers for each and the problem was resolved.
How does the ventilation piece work? I see from the video the plastic wrap but is this included with the manikins and is it easily changed and or cleaned between users?
Hello. Great question! The plastic Lung Bags that go inside the manikin will inflate with air for ventilation. Manikins come with 10 lung bags to start, and we sell them separately in 50 packs for replacement. They can not be cleaned between uses and are intended for a 1 time use (1 class). They are easily changed through the mouth of the manikin.
Let us know if you have any further questions,
Lyndsey, MCR Medical
I teach several classes every weekend so the manikins definitely get alot of use. My 2 adult manikins both had issues with the lights working intermitantly. MCR was great to send me new clickers for each and the problem was resolved.
the lights seem to be malfunctioning. When i take out the batteries and replace with new ones all the lights light are lit for a few secs, then the red stays let for a few more secs however the lights do not light up during compressions at all. Any suggestions? I did order a new adult perstan because this one is a few years old however i would like it to work.
Thank you for your question! One common problem we see is compressions not going deep enough to activate the monitor lights. Make sure you are compressing on a hard surface and hearing a ‘click’ at the bottom of the compression. If lights still do not come on, it may be that the Clicker needs replaced. We would be happy to help if so! Please reach out to
My green light comes on and stays on (baby) but no lights during proper compressions. (I’m an instructor) it does click. May it be that the connectiion and devise needs to be replaced? Thanks!
Hello! Thank you for reaching out. It sounds like the clicker may need replaced. Please reach out to and we can help you get this fixed. If it was purchased within 3 years it will still be under warranty.
I have a problem with my Prestan professional adult manikin, the clicker will not work and the lights will not come on. I have tried replacing batteries, pressing harder for compressions, and trying on a table and the floor. Nothing will work. I have kept the manikin in excellent condition and purchased it approx. 3 yrs ago. I am a AHA CPR Instructor. What are my next options?
Hello! It sounds like the monitor may need replaced. I will send an email to to make sure we get this fixed for you!