“Where can I buy the new WLCRdM Feedback device?”

With the recent AHA guideline changes, many instructors are searching for products to guarantee their compliance. One popular item is the WLCRdM, which measures both rate and depth while providing audio/visual feedback.  Read more here.

The NEW WLCRdM Wristband

Due to overwhelming demand for this compliance product, it is currently on backorder with the manufacturer.

Continue reading “Where can I buy the new WLCRdM Feedback device?”

New Product Provides AHA Compliance for Both Depth & Rate

WNL’s New Practi-WLCRdM is A Game Changer

Work N’ Leisure Products has just recently released their New Practi-WLCRdM.

It is a CPR Feedback device that can provide both compression depth and rate feedback. This is a great solution for instructors who have already invested in CPR Manikins prior to the new AHA guideline change. The new WLCRdM is 100% compliant with the guidelines and can be used on any CPR manikin. Continue reading New Product Provides AHA Compliance for Both Depth & Rate

The Prestan Professional CPR Manikin with Feedback

Check out this quick video from Prestan Products about their fully complaint Professional Series CPR Manikin.

This video provides its viewers with a more detailed look at Prestan’s CPR manikin feedback devices.

If you would like more information about the Prestan Professional Series Manikins CLICK HERE

CPR Feedback Device by WNL Products, the Practi-CRM

Gain compliance with the upcoming AHA requirements with this stand alone compression rate feedback device from WNL Products.

One of the hottest topics in CPR training right now is the CPR feedback requirement from the AHA. While CPR manikin manufacturers hope everyone buys new manikins—and we’d be glad to sell them to you—that’s not easy for everybody to do. One option often overlooked is using a stand-alone CPR feedback device, such as the Practi-CRM by WNL Products.

Since many of our customers haven’t looked at this type of product before, we thought we’d write something to provide more info… Continue reading CPR Feedback Device by WNL Products, the Practi-CRM

CPR Feedback Manikins

All of your General Questions Answered!

Hi Everyone! We have been getting a lot of questions about the new AHA Guidelines that will be changing in 2019. I thought I would write a quick blog to address some of your questions regarding CPR Feedback Manikins.

If you already know about the CPR Manikin Feedback devices and are interested in seeing the various options we carry you can check out our CPR Manikins page. 

If you’d like a little more information feel free to keep on reading! Continue reading CPR Feedback Manikins

What Kind of Prestan Manikin Are You Buying?

Prestan CPR Training Manikins & Their Feedback Devices

With so many CPR Manikin options available it’s difficult to determine what you’re really getting. Skin tone, quantity, feedback devices…All of these options might have your head spinning. 

My goal with this blog is to help eliminate the concerns and hesitations you might encounter when purchasing a Prestan Manikin.

Continue reading What Kind of Prestan Manikin Are You Buying?

Give us your Feedback on the CPR Feedback Device: pun intended!

The CPR feedback device provide, real-time, audiovisual and corrective evaluation.

Prestan CPR feedback device manikin. Infant.
CPR Feedback Device Manikin
DALLAS, August 15, 2017 — The American Heart Association – the world’s leading voluntary health organization devoted to fighting cardiovascular disease – will now require the use of an instrumented directive feedback device (CPR Feedback Device) in all courses that teach adult CPR skills, effective January 31, 2019. The devices provide, real-time, audiovisual and corrective evaluation and instruction on chest compression rate, depth, chest recoil and proper hand placement during CPR training.

Most of you have now heard about the new AHA guidelines concerning the new CPR feedback device. Above is the official statement from the AHA. Continue reading Give us your Feedback on the CPR Feedback Device: pun intended!

Prestan Manikins Equal The Best CPR Training Experience

Prestan Manikins helps save lives!


Everyday at work I come across stories about how CPR training helped save a life. I often wonder if having a high quality CPR manikin like Prestan Manikins  helps with some of these positive outcomes. Pondering this question is how I came up with the idea for this blog post.

Continue reading Prestan Manikins Equal The Best CPR Training Experience