Hi Everyone! We have been getting a lot of questions about the new AHA Guidelines that will be changing in 2019. I thought I would write a quick blog to address some of your questions regarding CPR Feedback Manikins.
If you already know about the CPR Manikin Feedback devices and are interested in seeing the various options we carry you can check out our CPR Manikins page.
Prestan CPR Training Manikins & Their Feedback Devices
With so many CPR Manikin options available it’s difficult to determine what you’re really getting. Skin tone, quantity, feedback devices…All of these options might have your head spinning.
My goal with this blog is to help eliminate the concerns and hesitations you might encounter when purchasing a Prestan Manikin.
The CPR feedback device provide, real-time, audiovisual and corrective evaluation.
CPR Feedback Device Manikin
DALLAS, August 15, 2017 — The American Heart Association – the world’s leading voluntary health organization devoted to fighting cardiovascular disease – will now require the use of an instrumented directive feedback device (CPR Feedback Device) in all courses that teach adult CPR skills, effective January 31, 2019. The devices provide, real-time, audiovisual and corrective evaluation and instruction on chest compression rate, depth, chest recoil and proper hand placement during CPR training.
A Review of the Features on Prestan AED Trainers and UltraTrainers
Prestan AED trainers of all varieties include a few fantastic features not found on other brands.
Rather than repeat those for each of the Prestan AED trainer types, let’s get some of those out-of-the-way. The most unique feature of Prestan trainers is their pad sensing system. This system automatically detects when each pad is placed on the manikin, which simulates a live AED, allowing for a more realistic training class. All models also include the following features: Continue reading Choosing Between AED Trainers from Prestan Products
Providing employees with safety training is critical for your companies bottom line. We believe reading the key information from the following survey will give your enough reason to offer First Aid/CPR and AED training in your workplace.
This survey sought to understand how organizations are approaching First Aid/ CPR and AED training.
The 2015 American Heart Association CPR guidelines, which are based off the latest resuscitation research, to provide science-based recommendations for treating cardio vascular emergencies- particularly cardiac arrest in adult, children, infants and newborns. These guidelines are behind the newest Prestan blue rate monitor.
The updated guidelines include:
~ Untrained bystanders should press hard and fast in the center of the chest at the rate of 100-120 compressions per minute. Trained bystanders should use the 30:2 compressions to breaths ratio with a goal of 120 compressions per minute. Continue reading Something New and something Blue
If we thought about it, we couldn’t name very many people we know who are not on some type of social media. This is because there are 3 billion internet users in the world and 2 billion of those have some kind of social media account whether it be Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or one of the dozen or so others. Continue reading Social Media and MCR Medical
If you’ve had the pleasure of meeting small business MCR Medical owners, Karen and Charlie Morrison, then you already know the type of people they are. First of all giving doesn’t even begin to describe them individually or as a couple.
One organization that is near and dear to our owners is the Women’s Small Business Accelerator located in Westerville, Ohio. WSBA is a non-profit organization focused exclusively on women who, while the largest percentage of small business owners, still lag behind men in average sales, employee numbers, and securing funding. Continue reading Giving Back to Women in Small Business
Customer satisfaction is our goal with every purchase.
MCR Medical
The Prestan Warranty and Our Promise
We all like to buy products that work and work well and we all have had terrible experiences of the opposite. MCR Medical and Prestan work together to avoid these bad experiences.
Here at MCR Medical our focus is making sure you are happy with our products. We also want you to be happy with how well they work! We are pleased to be a distributor of Prestan products along with WNL and Ambu. Continue reading The Prestan Warranty and Our Promise
How many of us have filled up an online shopping cart only to start the checkout process and second guess the purchase because of shipping costs? Several friends and coworkers have confessed to doing this exact thing. Whether the shipping cost is outrageous or even if its minimal, it makes you stop and think “do I really need to buy this today?” We want to give you a reason to buy what you want when you want it and we’ve decided that free shipping is the answer! Continue reading Free Shipping Everyday Every Order