How do I ship to my hotel?
Occasionally customers will need supplies while they are staying at a hotel, and we're glad to assist. Sometimes the hotel has a written policy about how to arrange package delivery to their guests. If not, we have a few tips to help ensure that the package makes it to our customers successfully.
First, add "Guest" immediately before your first name of the shipping address on the order screen so that the hotel knows it's for a guest and not an employee of the hotel. For example, if your first name is John, enter "Guest John" as your First Name. Please do not add this to your name in the billing address. Adding "Guest" to your first name in your shipping information will make "Guest" appear on the address label (Guest John Doe), and give hotel staff some information to help the package get to you.
Second, enter the dates you will be a hotel guest in the Address 2 field, and include the room number if you have it. (July 4- July 10, Room 201d). The date range is especially important if you aren't already checked in to the hotel when the package arrives.
Please give us a call if you need assistance. We're always happy to help. We know that travelling out of town can be stressful, especially when you're missing supplies that you need for a class. We appreciate the opportunity to help!