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How do you disinfect a re-usable CPR mask?
updated April 16, 2020
Some professional CPR masks and CPR training masks can be cleaned and disinfected according to CDC guidelines. See product descriptions to verify re-usability if you are not certain if the product is applicable. Valves should be discarded after use.
To clean and disinfect appropriate masks, gently wash the mask in warm soapy water, using dishwashing liquid. Rinse in clean water and plunge the entire mask body into a disinfection solution of 1/4 cup of nonscented liquid chlorine bleach per gallon of water. Completely submerge mask and valve stem (the part of the mask where you place the valve). Let stand in bleach/water solution for 10 minutes and rinse with fresh water. Air dry.
As disinfection protocols change, stay up-to-date by viewing current CDC guidelines.